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Cultivate patience

Fall Equinox & Libra New Moon 2022

September 22th & 25th 2022

Bonnie Isham Willis :

The New Moon and Equinox are both introducing new cardinal energy to welcome new beginnings, while at the same time, we are also trying to rework some of the old stuff and trying to manifest our own personal harvest. The equinox asks us to find the balance; perhaps a little new and exciting mixed in with finishing the old projects and tying up loose ends. We have to let go of some previously helpful or valued things to make room for the new to come in and often we are not in charge of what leaves and what stays.

My Notes

North Node and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (1st house) the Mamas & Papas song, ‘Go where you wanna go’” comes to mind. The compulsion to dig in your heels (Taurus) and do it exactly in your very own time and in your very own way, even if it is not the way everyone else is doing it or think you should do it.

Mars in Gemini 2nd house: Work smarter not harder. Can be easily distracted.. so please be mindful, if it’s important, take your time and make it great or you will be redoing and redoing. If you are caught re-doing, you will be mastering it. Gemini’s ruler Mercury is Rx making it a fantastic time to put your mind and communication skills to work. Mercury moving into Virgo is ready to handle the details and little jobs that often get overlooked.

Moon conjunct Ceres in Leo 5th house with a quincunx from Pluto: a tendency to be a little spoilt. It’s okay to have a spa day, it’s not ok to expect everyone around you to wait on you as you ring the bell and demand quicker service. Everyone is feeling this energy and wanting a bit of a stay home and be pampered day. Pluto from the midheaven could bring in work distractions, obligations and/or interruptions – irritations to your Leo moon pamper plan.

Venus opposes Neptune in the 11th: issues with boundaries (Pisces) especially with friends and/or community(11th house). I’m seeing overwhelmed by social obligations (Saturn close to 11th house cusp). And potential for wool over the eyes (Neptune) now opening and being revealed – in our group of friends or extended social groups. Venus is sitting in the 5th so the potential for some boundary issues with our children is possible too.

Mercury is Rx for only a little bit longer and moving closer to our newly Libra Sun. The Sun is casting shade on Mercury until he gets to the inner circle and then he is lit up with the sun as they energize each other. Sometime in the middle of the night, this energy will free up some blocks and clear up some fog. (*Note to self to remember and write down your dreams tonight)

Potential for revelations and clarity continue as Mercury moves into Virgo and stations direct October 2, 2022. Themes: Answers, completions, closure, putting things to rest, getting the kinks worked out, learning to communicate your needs or feelings more clearly. Asking for what you want.. watch out for passive aggressive tendencies.

Sun & Mercury Rx in opposition to Jupiter in the 12th: feels like inner world vs. outer or daily routine. Life goes on. No matter what is going on in your inner world, you still have to get up and go to work, do your daily routine. Sometimes that’s your saving grace. Or maybe you feel compelled to revamp your routine to put your needs at the top of the list.

And with an out of sign trine from Pluto: with deep reflection and as a positive outlet for the energy to transform the old ways of ego (Sun) and old ways of thinking (Mercury)

South Node in 7th and opposing Uranus (with N. Node): Be mindful of old patterns with partnerships especially. There is a tendency with Scorpio South node to revert to old secretive and/or lashing out behaviors when emotional situations come up. These are always opportunities to choose your path. Look to the highest and best of the North Node traits and mindsets. Right now this is Taurus; look to your values. Put your money where you say your values are. Taurus wants the best quality and invests in what is important to them and whatever brings comfort and security. Money for status or power is not what Taurus represents.

Three Days after the Equinox

Libra New Moon: September 25, 2022

Not much has changed in 3 days, but Mercury has back peddled into Virgo and is approaching Venus in a passive kinda way (Pisces ascendant).

With an opposition from Neptune, and a little influence from Aries Jupiter opposing the New Moon. It feels like me vs. them power struggles and under our breath grumbling and passive aggressive – what have you done for me lately attitudes in our closest relationships.

The frustrations of tug-o-war energy in both charts show through our simultaneous conclusions and launches happening. Many areas of our lives are lit up and pulling us in multiple directions. Hang in there and keep reaching for the highest and best.

Cultivate patience.


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